Apostille on birth certificate

Going for employment, study or marriage conclusion abroad, you should always remember about preparation of the necessary package of papers, because any foreign organization, whether embassy, consulate or another agency, may require certain documents, for example:

  • Apostilled marriage and birth certificate;
  • Educational documents;
  • Extracts from banks;
  • And other documents.

In order that all aforesaid documents and not only have legal force you need to affix apostille stamp. This stamp is acknowledged in all countries-participants of the Hague Convention and is universal for each of them. This means that apostille on birth certificate, issued, for example, for Spain, will be valid in France, Canada, Czechia and other states.

Price and terms of apostillization of birth certificate

In the table below you will find different options of terms and price of the service of certificate apostillization:




Apostille affixing on birth certificate in Ukraine

715 UAH

7-10 work days

**the price is not a public offer.
***Deadlines for consideration of documents by the Ministries may be increased.

Apostille on birth certificate!

Send us your birth certificate for apostillization!

Send documents

We remember that to apostillization are not liable laminated documents. If a certificate is laminated, you should recover its duplicate. At the moment you can have the birth certificate of one of three types, for example:

  • Issued in USSR;
  • Issued in Ukraine of old form;
  • Issued in Ukraine of new form.

International organizations accept only the last. Upon availability of improper form of certificate you need to receive its duplicate in the authorities of civilian registry offices. Our company renders the services of discovery and apostillization of death, birth, marriage certificates and other documents of civilian registry offices.

Procedure of apostille issuance on certificate

The exclusive right of apostille issuance on birth certificate is vested to Ministry of Justice. The signature is certified in regional administration of justice or in civilian registry office under the place of issuance (this requirement was abolished since 2015).

Therefore, in order to legalize one document it is necessary to visit two agencies. Note that you can pass the first stage only at the place of birth, the second one – only in Kiev. In practice this is often connected with the necessity of trip to another city with the loss of time.

Apostille of birth certificate in Ukraine

Apostilled birth certificate

Apostillization of birth certificate

Example of apostille from MinJust on birth certificate