Electronic Apostille in Ukraine
In order to simplify registration and legalization of documents, Ministry of Justice has introduced from November 20, 2015 a new procedure for Ukraine - electronic apostillization of documents.
The procedure of apostille itself was adopted in the framework of the Conference on Private International Law in Hague in 1961. It was designed to significantly simplify for the world community the procedure of documents legalization. Now the participants of the Convention on Apostillization have become 107 countries of the world.
Until recently, all procedures relating to the documents apostille were executed in the following order (affixing the stamp of the relevant authority on the reverse side of the original document or a certified copy), which often called into question the accuracy through the impossibility to carry out a merited verification of their authenticity.
In recent years, an increasing number of countries refuse to affix apostille only on paper carries and pass to various electronic forms of these documents presentation.
As for Ukraine, then beginning from November 20, 2015 came into force a new order, which regulates the issuance of electronic apostilles of a particular sample.
What documents are liable to electronic apostillization
Innovations regarding the form of apostille itself did not touch the list of documents, which are subject to this procedure. Thus, Ministry of Justice as before certifies the following documents:
- judgments;
- notarized papers (powers of attorney, permits for trip, statements);
- documents issued by civilian registry offices, and namely, extracts and certificates;
- papers requiring double apostille.
Let’s remember that the double apostille is performed according to the rules of documents execution established in Ukraine. Such rules suppose the initial apostille of original (or copy), the subsequent notarization of this document translation, and only then the translation apostille is made.
Old apostille of Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
New electronic apostille of Ministry of Justice
Old and new apostille: external differences
The apostille sample, which was in force before innovation, represented itself a wet stamp affixed by judicial authorities on the reverse side of the original document.
In contrast to it a new (electronic) apostille represents a printed form of approved sample without any seals and stamps, on which is glued a special mark containing the QR code. This form is sewed to the original by separate sheet. Now, such a document can be checked for authenticity.
How electronic apostille is checked for authenticity
It is possible to check for authenticity the received document of a new sample even independently. For this it is necessary with the help of any existing mobile device to read the attributed to apostille QR-code (with the help of special programs for recognition of QR-codes) and then you get on the page of the official website of Ministry of Justice.
You can directly go on the website www.apostille.minjust.gov.ua and to fill out the already available form there, introducing data from the received apostille (number and date of issue). Do not forget to check in "I'm not a robot" column. If after pressing the button "Check" you will see the scanned apostille of your document, then consider that the online check passed successfully, and the apostille is not false.
At the same time the authorized representatives of the state, in which the apostilled documents will be provided, will be able to take advantage of special services and registries and on its part to be convinced of the originality of submitted documents.
Where and within what term it is possible to make electronic apostille
Before November 20, 2015 (the time of electronic version introduction) the process of documents apostille took place exclusively in Kiev (directly in Ministry of Justice of Ukraine). According to the Ministry each year they received up to 120 thousand of citizens’ applications about carrying out documents apostillization. And these applications required a specific phasing:
- Papers were submitted in Senior Administration of Justice in all region;
- Regional Administration of Justice re-sent documents in Kiev (directly in ministries);
- The apostille procedure took place directly in Kiev.
It was quite a long and bureaucratic process.
Now according to the new rules the procedure can be executed in any district branch of civilian registry office, in accordance with the place of residence. And in the future it is planned to create a system of independent monitoring of document processing with the possibility to receive a ready apostille on e-mail and further independent printing. You will need only to contact the branch of civilian registry office in order to receive the marks with QR code.
If we talk about the terms, at the moment, according to the new rules, the procedure of electronic apostillization in civilian registry office takes from 2 up to 4 days (upon marks availability). With it, the state assigns 2 days for a full consideration of document by a branch of civilian registry office, the rest of time may be spent for registration.
However, now there are complaints that employees of civilian registry offices often do not know the requirements, which are applied by one or the other country to the apostille registration. Sometimes they just do not want to provide customers with relevant information. Because the transfer of functions of documents apostille for citizens significantly added work for them.
In conclusion, we would like to advise readers to ask for the missing information in Translation Bureau, where you apply for the execution of documents translation. In Translation Bureau "AiTochka" they not only will execute for you a high-quality and low-cost translation of all necessary documents, but also advise on the possible nuances of apostille registration for that country, in which you are going to provide these documents.
Order electronic Apostille in Ministry of Justice